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Unfortunately, as an AI model, I don't have access to real-time market data or up-to-date information. Thus, I cannot provide you with the latest information on a specific public company with the stock symbol 258640 listed on the US stock exchange.

However, I can guide you on how to find the information you seek. You can search for the company's name or stock symbol in financial websites, such as Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, or Google Finance, which can provide information about the company's earnings, growth, and other vital information. You can also check the company's investor relations website or annual reports.

Additionally, you can use financial databases such as Bloomberg Terminal or FactSet to find historical and real-time data on publicly traded companies, including their financial statements, earnings reports, and analytics. These databases can also provide information on market trends and news affecting stock prices.

Please note that the accuracy and completeness of the information found on these sources may vary. Therefore, it is always advisable to cross-check your findings and consult credible sources to ensure accuracy.

    Node 258640