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I apologize, but as an AI model, I am not able to access real-time stock market data or financial information. However, I can provide some general information about public companies and their stock symbols.

A stock symbol, also known as a ticker symbol, is a unique series of letters or letters and numbers used to identify a publicly traded company'z stock on a particular stock exchange. The symbol is used to identify the company's stock in trading and is often a shorter version of the company's name.

In the United States, stock symbols are typically between 1 and 5 characters long and are assigned by the stock exchange where the company is listed. For example, the stock symbol for Apple Inc. is AAPL, while the symbol for Microsoft Corporation is MSFT.

To find information about a public company's stock symbol, you can search for the company's name along with the phrase "stock symbol" or "ticker symbol" and you will likely find the information you are looking for.

Alternatively, you can also use financial websites such as Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, or Investopedia's Stock Simulator to look up a company's stock symbol and get detailed information about the company's stock performance, including its current price, market capitalization, and other relevant data.

It is important to note that Stock symbols are assigned by the exchanges, and each exchange has its own rules and regulations for assigning symbols. Some exchanges also have different classes of shares, which may have different symbols.

In summary, a stock symbol is a unique identifier assigned to a publicly traded company's stock on a particular stock exchange, and it can be found by searching for the company's name along with the phrase "stock symbol" or "ticker symbol" or by using financial websites such as Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, or Investopedia's Stock Simulator.

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